Get more bang for your buck with Sling—as low as $23 for your first month

Same channels, big price difference

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Choose the channels you like to watch and we'll recommend the best plan for you!

Benefits of Sling

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Bingeable live TV

Comedy, action, drama…stream today’s most popular TV shows live and on demand with Sling. Sign-up and start watching channels like Bravo, Freeform, TLC, Investigation Discovery, TBS, TNT, and so much more.

Get rewarded for watching TV

Watch TV and get rewarded for doing it. Every time you tune into a big game, watch your favorite TV show, or catch up on the breaking news of the day, you could win up to $10,000 in cash and prizes. Just watch for 30 minutes a day to start earning.

Frequently Asked Questions

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icon of phone tablet and TV which can stream live tv

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Roku iconRoku icon
FireTV iconfire tv icon
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Xbox One iconxbox one icon
AirTV iconair tv player
AirTVMini iconair tv mini player
AndroidTV iconandroid tv icon
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Samsung iconSamsung icon
Tivo iconTivo icon
Xfinity iconxfinity
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Tivo Stream iconTivo Stream icon
Vizio iconvizio icon

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