Error Code 21-20
21-20 errors can occur for a number of reasons, most commonly being for buffering or account authorization issues. You may see an orange spinning wheel on screen, or a completely black screen before this error pops up.
We want to get you back to watching as quickly as possible, so try the steps listed below to resolve this error.
Troubleshooting is a process of elimination. While some of the steps below might seem obvious, following them in sequence will help to identify the issue or eliminate potential causes.
- Try relaunching the channel by re-selecting it from the guide menu
- Change to a different channel and then change back to your original selection
- If the issue is experienced on all channels, try watching a TV show or movie available with your channel's Video On-Demand selection.
- If all of the above steps were unsuccessful, restart your device and try again.
- Turn your device off & back on again, or follow device specific restart instructions.
If the issue persists and is with all channels, continue with the other troubleshooting steps specific to this error code message.
Close and relaunch the Sling TV app. Click on the link below to view device specific troubleshooting steps, including:
- Clearing Cache on your Device/ Browser
- Updating the Sling App
- Relaunching the Sling App
- Restarting a Device
- Reinstalling the Sling App
- Moving the Sling App on your Device App Ribbon
Turn your device off & back on again, or follow device specific restart instructions. Click on the link below to view device specific troubleshooting steps, including:
- Clearing Cache on your Device/ Browser
- Updating the Sling App
- Relaunching the Sling App
- Restarting a Device
- Reinstalling the Sling App
- Moving the Sling App on your Device App Ribbon
Try performing a reset of your internet access point.
Modems & modems with built-in wireless or gateway functionality:
To reset your modem or gateway device, you can typically unplug the device power cord for 10 - 30 seconds, then plug it back in. The reset cycle can take 1-2 minutes, but once the reset cycle has completed, try relaunching Sling. If the lights on your modem are still on after unplugging the power cord, your device might have a battery backup.
If your device has a battery, hold the 'reset' button down for 10 seconds using a non-metallic instrument if the button is too small to activate using your finger. Once the reset cycle has completed, try relaunching Sling.
Modems connected to a standalone or "side-car" router
- If you have a standalone router for wireless connectivity, unplug the power cords for both your modem and router
- Wait for 10-30 seconds and then plug the power cord in for the modem. It can take 1-2 minutes for your modem to completely reset.
- Once the reset cycle is complete for the modem, plug in the power cord from your router. Once the modem has fully reset, try relaunching the Sling app.
Note: Anytime you reset your modem and/or router, make sure all of your other devices are connected and can access the internet before continuing to troubleshoot the Sling app or your streaming device.
If you’re unable to resolve the error using the other steps listed above, please take note of the following information before contacting us:
When the error occurred (when selecting a show, in the middle of watching, etc.)
What type of program you were watching (live, on-demand, DVR recording)
What device you were using (browser, mobile app, streaming device)
When you're ready, click on the chat icon on your screen below and select the option to "TROUBLESHOOT" If our Chatbot is not able to resolve the problem, you will be connected to a live chat representative.
Not finding what you're after?
- Try using the Search Bar above to locate your answer. Search with one-word terms such as "DVR" or "account."
- Our Chatbot can solve many problems 24/7. Click the Chat icon on your screen to begin.
- Visit our Troubleshooting & Technical Issues page to find answers to FAQs and solutions to common problems.
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